Hoosier Antique & Classic Bicycle Club


No one concern makes the best bikes in the world.

No one make of bicycle has a monopoly of quality or superior devices. Some excel in one particular, others another. There are many grades of bicycles, and grade is not to be determined by price.

The Waverley Bicycle

is the peer of any bicycle on the market at any price. This product of a modern factory, unequaled in its appointments, employing the highest mechanical skill and the best materials obtainable, is sold at

$85 A FAIR PRICE $85

and strictly at one price to all.

Indianapolis, Ind.

New - 2023 Swap Meet - Waverley Show Bike

Here are more Waverley bicycle pictures.

This next bicycle is not an Indiana built Waverley. Shown here for clarity.

It was recently brought to our attention that the bicycle pictured below was mistakenly identified and posted on our website as an Indiana bicycle.

After diligent research by our officers and help from an Indianapolis bicycle historian we believe that the pictured bicycle was likely sold by Strawbridge & Clothier (Pennsylvania) Department Store. We have documentation that a Waverly (no E) bicycle appeared in their advertisements between 1913 & 1918.

Furthermore, we believe that the Don Adams book Collecting and Restoring Antique Bicycles has inaccurately attributed a "Waverly" bicycle (no E) to the Indiana Bicycle Company along side the Indiana Bicycle Company's "Waverley" bicycle (with an E).

The Indiana Bicycle Company launched its premier line of Waverley (with an E) bicycles in 1893. Though mistakenly misspelled in many newspapers, the Indiana company never mistakenly misspelled their premier product.

It was surely an honest mistake which can be attributed to the plethora of Waverly bicycles manufactured over time. Our research shows multiple manufacturers, over decades, producing a Waverly bicycle. We hope this clears up any confusion, and always welcome documentation that will update any mistakes as they are found.